The rise of Yoto, every screen-wary middle-class parent's best friend

Posted by Valentine Belue on Monday, June 3, 2024

You’ve probably never heard of them. But Sir Paul McCartney was an early investor. As were members of Roald Dahl’s family and the co-founder of Innocent smoothies. Sophie Ellis-Bextor is reportedly a fan. You’ll see one soon, I guarantee. In fact they may be on their way to becoming the most recognisable box-shaped children’s toy since the Rubik’s Cube.

Meet the Yoto. The portable audio device –  pronounced “Yoe-Toe” – measures about 11 square centimetres and is a halfway house between a Walkman and an iPad. Aimed at three-to-12 year-olds, the machine plays audio cards that slot into its top. Around 1,000 such cards are available, featuring everything from bedtime stories read by famous actors to music, phonics lessons and tips on fulfilling your potential from footballer Marcus Rashford. 

A heavily-pixilated screen provides basic coloured pictures, everything works by twisting two big red clicky buttons, and the devices’ volume and brightness can be controlled remotely by parents via an app. Think “Steve Jobs in Toyland” and you’ll get the gist.

The idea came to co-founders Ben Drury and Filip Denker about eight years ago during a discussion about that great parenting bogeyman – screen time. Drury was interested in the philosophies of educator Maria Montessori, namely that child development is improved by allowing children some independence and that physical objects are central to learning. They built a prototype box, launched a Kickstarter campaign in 2017 and slowly grew from there. The UK-based company now employs just over 100 people across the UK, North America and France.

Yoto machines, which are now manufactured in China, aren’t cheap. The main device costs £99.99 and a smaller Mini version costs £59.99. Cards are around £7.99 – some less, some more. But the steep price hasn’t put people off. Figures released days ago on Companies House show that Yoto’s sales rocketed by a whopping 121 per cent last year, to almost £28 million. Cost of living crisis, you say? 

The results don’t specify how many machines were shifted but a spokesperson tells me that over one million children now have access to Yoto products across 192 countries. And while Yoto made an operating loss of £4.9 million over the 2022 calendar year, it is “now a profitable business”, the spokesperson says. zGqdtP3f7CU

The devices’ success raises some interesting questions. A survey last week by the National Literacy Trust found that children’s enjoyment of reading is at its lowest level in almost two decades, with 56 per cent of eight-to-18 year-olds saying they don’t enjoy reading in their spare time. Where is cause and effect in all this? Do audio machines fill a natural gap in a world where most children no longer enjoy reading, or are children turning their backs on reading due to the preponderance of audio machines and other devices?

Easier to answer is whether or not children have a screen time problem in this country. Well, they do. And Yotos – there are also other similar machines out there, such as from German company Tonies – help mitigate against the screen time epidemic because they’re more audio book than screen. Dr Amanda Gummer, the founder of the Good Play Guide, which provides an accreditation service for children’s products, says: “Audio devices can provide opportunities for kids to engage with content that they wouldn’t necessarily sit down and read in a book. They sort of get them out of that slouch pose [they have] when they’re hunched over a screen.” 

The stats about screen time are scary. UK children spend between three and just over six hours a day in front of a screen, studies have found (it goes up with age). A BBC survey in July found that four out of five parents feel that their children’s use of screens has grown since the pandemic. Meanwhile, 67 per cent of parents are concerned about what their children are watching, according this survey. And yet research group Mintel says that 37 per cent of parents are spending more on digital entertainment for their children since before the pandemic. 

Child's play: the Yoto in action

Figures from OFCOM released in March make depressing reading. In fact, anyone genuinely worried about screen time should probably look away now. The UK media watchdog surveyed over 11,000 people and found that 87 per cent of three-to-four year-olds went online in 2022, while a quarter of children aged three-to-four used WhatsApp, according to their parents, and 38 per cent of that age group have their own YouTube profile (a sort of account, with avatar). Growing up, my parents would warn that I’d get “square eyes” if I watched both Tiswas and Swap Shop on a Saturday morning (TV heaven: ITV’s anarchy vs the BBC’s jumpers). We’re in a different world now.

Dr Gummer warns, however, that we must be careful about demonising screen time. “Screen time in itself isn’t bad – it depends on the type of thing you’re doing. If it’s solitary, sedentary and passive then that’s the bit that needs limiting. And if it’s active, emotional, social and creative then the fact that there’s a screen there doesn’t really matter,” she says. Indeed the July BBC survey that highlighted parents’ concerns about screen time also found that 65 per cent of them believe screens can foster creativity and communication. 

This complex picture chimes with me and my wife’s views about screen time and – yes, hands up, we’ve got one – Yotos. There is a vast difference between mindlessly swiping a repetitive Candy Crush-style game and watching basic images while listening to a story. Which is why we like Yotos. They’re the compromise candidate when our five year-old asks, “Can I watch something?” I also like them because they’re advert-free, wipeable, droppable, chargeable, portable and hideable. Along with books and up to an hour of telly a day, they’re part of a “balanced diet” of entertainment.  

Yoto cards include audiobooks of children's novels from Charlotte's Web to Winnie-the-Pooh

But we don’t like Yotos half as much as our son does. We recently had to “lose” ­– i.e. bury in my bedside table – a card of Kate Winslet reading Enid Blyton’s The Enchanted Wood because he was obsessed by it. He’d listen during breakfast, in the bath, in bed. Tough love. (After a period of Winslet detox, Saucepan Man is now back in our lives.) There’s also a retro-kitsch appeal to some cards. One is simply the sound of a crackling fire (with image). It’s weirdly mesmerising, but it’s also £3.99. Which is where Yotos can hurt.

The cost of joining the “Yoto world” is a lively debate on Mumsnet. One card costs the same as a month’s subscription to Amazon’s Audible audiobook service (200,000 titles, including Winslet reading The Enchanted Wood – are we perhaps kidding ourselves that Yotos are better?). At £9.99, the Yoto card of Dahl’s James and the Giant Peach costs more than the book (£7 on Amazon). It does nothing to dispel the view that Yotos are the preserve of middle-class Dulwich Dads and Walthamstow Mums (guilty, possibly). 

As one Mumsnet user reasonably asks: “Why not just use the Audible app on [your child’s] tablet? Or your phone?” But this assumes that your child has a tablet or that you want a Marmite-smeared phone which you’ve as good as lost the use of. We are holding out on giving our son a tablet for as long as possible. To save users money, Yoto offers a “Yoto Club”, which provides two cards a month for a £9.99. Users can also record their own stories onto cheaper blank cards and there’s a Yoto Daily podcast.

Children can listen to music on Yotos

Perhaps because of the reasonably high cost, Yoto is diversifying away from generic children’s content. It is pitching itself as a lifestyle item, as evidenced by recent deals with record labels to release albums. While much content remains kid-focused, Yoto recently released Queen’s Greatest Hits. A Bob Marley card will follow, as will many more “grown up” releases. 

The move is about giving children “access to a rich and varied musical offering so that they may foster a life-long love of music of all types,” says Sarah Boorman, general manager of Youth Strategies at Queen and Marley’s label Universal. In other words, hook ‘em in while they’re young. It’s clever. The Queen card incidentally costs £11.99, which neatly fills the gap left by now-defunct CDs. The dream must be that people build Yoto card libraries in the way that they once built CD libraries. Universal says it will even bring “contemporary frontline hits to the platform for the first time”. The label co-owns the Now That’s What I Call Music brand. A Universal spokesman says Now could possibly come to Yoto in the future. 

But the expansion of a children’s device into new areas comes with problems. Queen’s 1978 hit Fat Bottomed Girls was removed from the Yoto card, presumably due to its title and lyrics about a “naughty nanny” called “big fat Fanny” taking advantage of a young Freddie Mercury. (The fact that Bohemian Rhapsody ­– a song about killing a man with a gun – remains on the album is moot). Yoto requested that Fat Bottomed Girls be omitted from the album, the spokesperson confirmed, and this was approved by Universal.

The issue highlights the tightrope that Yoto has to walk between encouraging children to be more grown up and protecting them from the grown-up world. It’s a puzzle as fiendish as the Rubik’s Cube.
